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INFOGATE is a leading provider of fibre optic connectivity products used in data communications and telecommunication networks. We assist in designs, development, and deployment of fibre optic cabling, connectivity, management and systems solutions.

As the number of data centres increases globally, the demand for greater power, data storage space and high-speed internet access means that choosing the right cabling infrastructure is essential.

Our cabling infrastructure is designed to deliver mission-critical applications across a converged network that meets their demands for reliability, speed and availability.

INFOGATE SYSTEMS understands there is no such thing as a “standard” installation and can supply factory tested products tailored to your exact requirements. This includes helping you to plan your physical layouts to maximum space efficiency with the potential for growth and flexibility in the future.

We appreciate that every company needs to make the best use of their IT budget. The short-term cost considerations shouldn’t stand in the way of long-term growth. With this is mind our Fibre Campus/Enterprise portfolio has been developed to ensure that component costs are kept lean without compromising bottom line bandwidth and reliability performance, so critical in modern Campus and Enterprise cabling environments.

Fibre to the X (FTTx) is the growing market within the telecommunications sector. To support these new opportunities, we have highly skilled personnel in the use of range of products designed for splitting, distribution, patching and splicing.

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